Unveiling the Vision: Introducing Data Driven Wellness
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A lotus flower crafted with the help of RStudio to symbolize transcendence in Buddhist teachings.
Hello to everyone in the blogging world. I am entering this space for the first time with a very honest post. As the blog name suggests, the intention behind exploring a new medium and putting my thoughts, ideas, work, miscellaneous moments, and interests out into the world is to challenge myself to continue learning in new ways and continue my journey of self-discovery. I believe we are all here to share our light with whoever we might encounter, and truly realize our greatest potential in our human existence.
Thus, my blog is born. Once a thought, now a living forum for the many things that I am passionate about with one key point: data! Data is everything and everywhere, and much like my philosophy for life, data can truly be taken from its raw form into something beautifully insightful with the ability to drive positive change and be capable of practically anything. I say this as a young and emerging data analyst, but I really think data has the power to answer the tough questions out there...that is if you are willing to open your perspective to it. I would like to emphasize the "young and emerging" portion of my blurb in the spirit of transparency. I am by no means an expert, and have so much left to learn. My hope is to use this medium as a place to exchange ideas, feedback, questions, and really anything that contributes to our individual learning journeys - professionally and personally.
Now that I've established my blog's focus on the power of data, I also want to talk about the other themes that have inspired this space. I've been curious as to how I can weave both my professional and personal passions all together. Much like my professional career (and as the blog name suggests again), I am also very much a passionate newbie in all areas encompassing holistic well-being, psychology, self-help, philosophy, and more. Going on month five of being an official yoga instructor, I have found that my practice only brings me closer to these areas of my life. I have felt noticeably more compelled to be intentional about my time to fulfill my whole capacity for living, and being rooted in gratitude. Alongside my yoga practice, a devastating injury during my college soccer career in 2021 was a pivotal moment in my life where I understood the capabilities of an adaptable mind - which consequently affects the body and spirit.
I am certain that finding happiness is the ultimate goal of our mere existence on this Earth. Setting that goal is simple, striving to achieve it is the tricky part in a world that is full of bustling and hustling. However, I am confident that prioritizing the areas of our lives that genuinely matter makes all the difference. I hope that this exploratory approach of combining data with mindful, holistic lifestyle habits will spark the right questions, conversations, and reach an audience that can resonate with my passions...whoever that might be.