Blogger's Brief Introduction

Seattle summers…a truly magnificent time!!! Photographed by my sister, enjoying a delicious cup of Greek yogurt while strolling through the lovely waterfront. Final summer as a Seattle resident.

Pike Place Market (Summer 2024)

Hello to my data and wellness fans

I am writing live from the edge of Elliot Bay facing the Puget Sound on a warm, sunny Seattle day. These days are rare, and it is amazing to see the city crowd emerge from what seems like our winter/rain hibernation. I am taking this evening to slow down and spend some time with myself to catch up on some items I have neglected in the midst of three very restless weeks. One of those items being my little baby blog. So, here goes an introduction that I will keep as concise as possible. I hope that this entry connects you – my fellow readers – with me on a personal level.

My name is Valentina Bernal. I am 23 years old, currently residing in Seattle but am originally from Arizona and Mexico City (and born in CA). I played soccer throughout my whole life up until last year when my collegiate career at Seattle University came to an end. I now enjoy leisurely half-marathons and yoga but hope to join a fun little soccer league once I am more settled. I have been teaching yoga at Corepower Yoga since January and have been absolutely loving it. Seattle has converted me into a city stroller who also feels an obligation to do anything outdoors because it is so beautiful here (it is no surprise we are known as the Emerald City). I am also a dog lover through and through. My remarkable furry companions - two black German Shepherds and a Saint Bernard – live in the heat of Arizona with my parents. I pretty much think about them all the time.

Some additional context on me – I am currently a data analyst at RTX (also known as Raytheon Technologies), where I have been for almost two years now (some time as an intern, now full-time worker). I graduated in June 2023, so evidently, I am still very much a fresh graduate with many aspirations, things to learn, but allowing myself to experience the highs and lows of the working world. Fortunately enough through my job, I will be starting my MBA in September at Northeastern University. Thus, I will have to say goodbye to Seattle as I make my way to Boston in just a few months.

Now that we have covered my personal and professional summary, it feels right to close this entry with some final fun, but key, facts:

  • I love cooking (for myself and for others) and occasionally become inspired by my expert baker boyfriend to whip up some brown butter oatmeal cookies or banana bread.

  • As many of my blog entry themes might suggest, I enjoy anything active outdoors. My most recent activity has become running, but I will always love soccer, and a glorious long adventure anywhere near water can never be replaced.

  • Traveling is an exciting part of my life that I wish I could do more often and hope to be able to prioritize one day.

  • I have always been keen on learning about psychology and self-actualization, so I find myself reaching for books within that genre most of the time (suggestions welcome).

  • I am exploring this new side hobby of blogging about work that excites me and that is fully my own!

  • Probably cliché but most important of all, there is truly nothing better than being with my friends and family. It reminds me of how awesome they all are and how grateful I am.

If you made it through to the end, it is a pleasure to meet you! And I encourage you to share with me anything about you that feels right, or perhaps any part of my biography that resonated with your own life. Thank you for reading and have a happy rest of your day, wherever you might be.


Embracing the Outdoors


Unveiling the Vision: Introducing Data Driven Wellness